Dorothy Han, Palo Alto High School, Taipei, Taiwan
My parents both grew up in Taiwan and going there gave me a chance to step in their shoes. This is the photo of Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world. However, the longer your look at the photo you notice the small intricate lines on the building and the angle at which the building is taken in intrigues the viewer.
After looking at this photo for a while, I start to wonder about all of the people who are going through their days behind each of the tiny squares.
The way you took the photo is amazing. It towers over everyone and its an interesting structure, not a traditional rectangular building. I would photograph looking down from the tower as well and overlap them. It looks awesome!
I love the lines that intersect each other all on the building. The angle of photography is really interesting too because it shows two sides of the building. Also I like that you included the sky at the top